The Permalink Predicament: Why WordPress Won’t Let You Change Your URL Structure

WordPress can't change permalink

Learn about permalinks: the permanent URLs for pages and posts on your WordPress site.

They serve as the web address for each piece of content and play a crucial role in website structure and search engine optimisation (SEO). In WordPress, permalinks are automatically generated based on the settings in the Permalink Settings section of the admin dashboard.

Permalinks are important for several reasons. First, they provide a clear and descriptive URL structure that helps users navigate a website more easily. A well-structured URL can give users an idea of what to expect when they click on a link, improving their overall experience on the site. Additionally, permalinks play a significant role in SEO by providing search engines with valuable information about the content of a page or post. A keyword-rich URL can help improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic to a website.

Understanding the Importance of URL Structure in WordPress

The URL structure of a website has a direct impact on both website navigation and user experience. A well-structured URL can make it easier for users to understand the hierarchy of a website and navigate to different sections or pages. For example, a URL like “” clearly indicates that the user is on a blog post within a specific category.

In addition to improving navigation, URL structure also plays a crucial role in search engine rankings. Search engines use URLs as one of the many factors to determine the relevance and quality of a webpage. A clear and descriptive URL can help search engines understand the content of a page and rank it accordingly. On the other hand, a messy or confusing URL structure can negatively impact search engine rankings and make it harder for users to find relevant content.

The Limitations of Changing Permalinks in WordPress

While permalinks are important for website structure and SEO, changing them in WordPress can be a challenging task. WordPress is designed to generate permalinks automatically based on the settings in the Permalink Settings section. Changing permalinks manually can lead to potential risks and complications.

One of the challenges of changing permalinks in WordPress is the potential for broken links. When a permalink is changed, all the internal and external links pointing to that page or post will become invalid. This can result in a poor user experience and negatively impact SEO. Additionally, changing permalinks can also lead to issues with website functionality, as some plugins and themes may rely on specific URL structures to function properly.

The Technical Reasons Why WordPress Won’t Allow URL Changes

WordPress has technical limitations that prevent users from easily changing permalinks. The structure of permalinks is determined by the rewrite rules in the website’s .htaccess file. Changing permalinks manually would require modifying these rewrite rules, which can be a complex and error-prone process.

Furthermore, changing permalinks can also have a significant impact on website functionality. Many plugins and themes rely on specific URL structures to work properly. Changing permalinks could break these functionalities and result in a poor user experience.

The Impact of Changing Permalinks on SEO and Website Traffic

Changing permalinks can have a significant impact on SEO and website traffic. When a permalink is changed, search engines will treat it as a new URL and may take some time to reindex and rank it accordingly. This can result in a temporary drop in search engine rankings and organic traffic.

Additionally, changing permalinks can also lead to broken links, both internally and externally. Internal links within the website that point to the old permalink will become invalid, resulting in a poor user experience. External links from other websites that point to the old permalink will also become invalid, potentially leading to a loss of referral traffic.

How to Choose the Right Permalink Structure for Your WordPress Site

When setting up a WordPress website, it is important to choose the right permalink structure from the beginning. WordPress offers several options for permalink structures, including Plain, Day and name, Month and name, Numeric, and Post name. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider the specific needs of your website.

Factors to consider when choosing a permalink structure include the length of the URLs, the inclusion of keywords, and the overall readability. Shorter URLs are generally preferred as they are easier to read and share. Including keywords in the URL can help improve search engine rankings. However, it is important to strike a balance between keyword optimisation and readability.

Best Practices for Creating SEO-Friendly Permalinks in WordPress

When creating permalinks in WordPress, there are several best practices to keep in mind. First, it is important to include relevant keywords in the URL. This can help improve search engine rankings and make it easier for users to understand the content of a page or post.

Second, it is important to keep permalinks short and concise. Long and complex URLs can be difficult to read and share. Aim for URLs that are no more than 3-5 words long.

Finally, it is important to use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) to separate words in the URL. Search engines treat hyphens as word separators, while underscores are treated as word joiners. Using hyphens can help improve the readability of URLs and make them more search engine friendly.

Tips for Avoiding Common Permalink Mistakes in WordPress

When creating permalinks in WordPress, there are several common mistakes to avoid. First, avoid using special characters or spaces in the URL. Special characters can cause issues with website functionality and may not be recognised by search engines. Spaces should be replaced with hyphens or underscores.

Second, avoid using generic or non-descriptive URLs. Generic URLs like “” provide little information about the content of the page and can negatively impact search engine rankings. Instead, use descriptive URLs that include relevant keywords.

Finally, avoid changing permalinks once they have been set. As mentioned earlier, changing permalinks can lead to broken links and negatively impact SEO and website traffic. It is best to choose the right permalink structure from the beginning and stick with it.

How to Update Permalinks in WordPress Without Losing Traffic or Rankings

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to update permalinks in WordPress, there are strategies you can use to minimize the impact on website traffic and search engine rankings. First, it is important to set up proper redirects from the old permalinks to the new ones. This can be done using a plugin like Redirection or by modifying the .htaccess file.

Second, it is important to update all internal links within the website to point to the new permalinks. This can be a time-consuming process, but it is necessary to ensure a seamless user experience.

Finally, it is important to monitor website traffic and search engine rankings after updating permalinks. If you notice a significant drop in traffic or rankings, it may be necessary to make further adjustments or seek professional help.

Finding a Balance Between User-Friendly URLs and SEO Best Practices

In conclusion, permalinks play a crucial role in website structure and SEO in WordPress. They provide a clear and descriptive URL structure that improves website navigation and user experience. Additionally, permalinks help search engines understand the content of a page or post and rank it accordingly.

While changing permalinks in WordPress can be challenging due to technical limitations and potential risks, it is important to choose the right permalink structure from the beginning. Consider factors such as URL length, keyword inclusion, and readability when choosing a permalink structure.

By following best practices for creating SEO-friendly permalinks and avoiding common mistakes, you can create an effective URL structure that balances user experience with SEO best practices. And if you ever need to update permalinks, be sure to set up proper redirects and update internal links to minimize the impact on website traffic and search engine rankings.