Is WordPress a Good Choice for My Small Business?

Is WordPress a Good Choice for My Small Business - Sanders Design

Choosing software to build or create your site is often challenging for first-time users. WordPress for small business, however, could be helpful and effective in generating leads and gaining customers for small businesses.

WordPress has been called the “Swiss Army Knife” of publishing tools for a reason: it’s powerful, easy to use, and customisable.

WordPress was originally designed as a blogging platform, but it has become versatile enough for more than just blogs. WordPress is used by over 40% of all websites because marketers and business owners love using WordPress to publish millions of pages every single day.

The WordPress engine has grown from humble beginnings to become a powerful tool for the world’s most well-known brands. It can help your business with site management, add plugins, and create designs that match your brand message.

At Sanders Design, we love WordPress for small businesses. We incorporate it into our web design process and believe it is the perfect tool to help grow your business online.

We recommend WordPress because it has a great set of features that can help propel your business. This means that we’ll be able to provide you with a website that matches your brand image while being simple and easy to update – which makes it perfect for getting your message out there.

If you’re unsure whether WordPress would be a good solution for your small business, let me explain why it may make sense.

User-friendly interface

Marketers are often pressed for time, which is why the WordPress interface has been designed to speed up your website and make it easier to update content. WordPress comes with an intuitive dashboard that makes updating your site and blog posts fast and straightforward.

WordPress provides built-in SEO options so that you can easily optimise your search engine visibility without needing any technical experience. 

Your WordPress site will also be easy to navigate, making it an excellent solution for small businesses that want to reach an online audience.

WordPress can also help if you plan on creating a site to sell products or engage with clients online. WordPress makes it simple to create online stores with an extensive list of e-commerce features and tools. WordPress is also easy to integrate with third-party apps, so you can easily manage and process payments for your website.

WordPress for small business cafe

Website accessibility

Did you know that all websites must comply with web accessibility laws, not just those from big companies? WordPress is a perfect tool for small businesses that want to build accessible sites. WordPress already has built-in accessibility features that make it easy for you to adhere to all existing web accessibility standards and regulations. 

WordPress makes sure your website can be accessed by everyone, including those using screen readers and other assistive technology.

WordPress is an accessibility-friendly option because it also has features that allow you to create pages for users with disabilities.

WordPress greatly simplifies accessibility requirements with two simple options. First, the WordPress platform follows best practices and standards, so each time features are added, the code of your site will be stable. Second, WordPress developers are constantly improving the software and addressing different concerns with web technologies as they evolve.

WordPress ecosystem

WordPress is an excellent choice for small businesses. The community behind WordPress powers over 40% of all websites and has a customer base that continues to grow rapidly.

Being a WordPress user allows you to tap into over 50,000 free plugins to enhance your website or blog. WordPress users and professional WordPress developers create plugins.

WordPress is a powerful tool for small business growth. It offers a community of designers, developers and WordPress users that can help with many different aspects of your company’s online presence, from SEO to ecommerce.

WordPress for small business shop

Open-source development platform

One of the primary reasons that WordPress for small business makes sense is its ability to be customised.

The WordPress open-source model ensures that the platform will continually evolve with your needs. WordPress is also accessible to developers and designers for downloaded, meaning changes are submitted back into WordPress. The open-source model means that your business can have a direct say in developing WordPress core code.

WordPress is constantly evolving, so WordPress developers are always updating the code to provide more features and functionality.

Many WordPress users don’t realize that the core code can be changed and developed by WordPress users. The WordPress platform is open-source, which means anyone with the right technical skills can change the core code and functionality.

Business WordPress support

The widespread popularity of WordPress means there are many avenues that you can use for support. You can find help in the form of WordPress forums, news blogs or highly technical help from a consultant. There are also plenty of tutorials to be found on YouTube if you cannot find answers elsewhere.

If you face any problems with your WordPress website, contracting a company like Sanders Design can help you immediately. WordPress companies and experts can help your business get the most out of WordPress.

Sanders Design – your one-stop shop for all your custom WordPress needs. We can build you a bespoke site, provide maintenance and hosting services.

WordPress ecommerce

A major benefit of WordPress for small businesses is its functionality as an ecommerce solution when paired with WooCommerce. WordPress has a range of features that make it easy for your organisation to sell products and services online. Additionally, there are several apps that you can use to sell goods and services online without creating the need to develop the ecommerce site yourself.

WordPress has become an essential tool for small businesses, and with WordPress, many entrepreneurs have found great success.

The WordPress platform allows anyone to set up a membership or blog with the ease of selling items in their online store. The easy-to-use features that exist help make for an excellent small business solution and boost revenue.

WordPress for small business delivery

Mobile responsiveness

Mobile responsiveness is a feature that makes WordPress websites user-friendly no matter what mode of access the potential customer chooses to use.

The WordPress admin has also been streamlined for mobile devices, making WordPress accessible from any device.

WordPress can be used in conjunction with mobile apps and WordPress-focused mobile applications to help manage a website. WordPress also offers REST API, allowing developers to connect WordPress with other platforms through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).


For small businesses, having an effective online presence is paramount – without it, your competitors will be able to outshine you. While the idea of paying for web services or investing time in building your website may sound intimidating, WordPress means that these concerns are no longer a problem.

Using WordPress for your business website also gives you more control over how people see and interact with your business.

Small businesses also enjoy WordPress support from developers who specialise in WordPress and offer quick fixes when WordPress problems arise. While WordPress is not a solution that is tailored to small businesses alone, its popularity means that WordPress has been developed with the needs of all online businesses in mind.

If WordPress for small businesses meets your needs, WordPress is a viable option as an ecommerce solution. WordPress also provides ecommerce plugins and tools that can help business owners develop websites that sell their products and services online.

Overall, WordPress has much to offer small business owners who are looking for a reliable website builder. WordPress’ open-source structure means that it can be used efficiently and effectively by developers who know WordPress well.

What makes WordPress an excellent option for small businesses is its vast support network, which starts with the community and extends to WordPress-focused companies such as Sanders Design if you need help from other professionals.

Sanders Design is ready to help you unleash WordPress to market your business online. With our experienced web developers, we know that together you will reach all of your goals in no time.

Contact us today to help develop and WordPress website for your business.